01. Gluca® RegenerationTM and Natural Extract
Natural extracts have been traditionally used for wound healing, anti-aging, calm, recovery, anti-inflammation, anti-microbial, pain-relief, whitening and so on.
More than 85 kinds of natural extracts have been tested and selectively used for GluCA® Cure. It helps for damaged and aging skins to be regenerated and recovered by themselves, and It is called “Self-Regeneration”.
Skin Recovery and Natural Extract
GluCA and Key Ingredients
01. Effectiveness Evaluation by 3D Skin Model
Fibroblast cells derived from the human body were cultivated to implement a three-dimensional skin cell layer consisting of epidermis and dermis, and vrious efficacy assessments of GluCA® performed using the 3D skin culture.
3D Cell Culture (EpiDermFT™)
3D skin model with epidermis
and dermis layer
02. Effectiveness Evaluation of Damaged Skin Recovery by GluCA®
The collagen Type 1 gene is the major gene responsible for 90% of collagen production, a major component of the skin.
The increase of collagen Type 1 gene expression means the active growth of skin cells.
In this experiment, the increase of Type 1 gene expression by GluCA® proves that
GluCA® has an excellent effect on the regeneration of damaged skin.
Increased transcription of Type 1 collagen mRNA by GluCA®
Cells were damaged with 0.005% hydrofluoric acid(HF), and then treated with GluCA®(CGF-93) to compare the Type 1 collagen gene expression and those of control after 24hours.
Increased translation of Type 1 collagen protein by GluCA®
Cells were damaged with 0.005% hydrofluoric acid(HF), and then treated with GluCA®(CGF-93) to compare the amount of Type 1 collagen protein expression and those of control after 24hours.
03. Increased viability of skin cells by GluCA®
20% hydrofluoric acid(HF) was treated in skin cells, causing skin irritation. We then applied a third-party product(Control A) and GluCA® to compare the viability of skin cells. After 30 seconds of treatment with HF,
the skin cells treated with GluCA® showed a 2.8-fold increase of cell viability compared with Control A. After 3 minutes,
the skin cells treated with GluCA® showed 1.2-fold increase of cell viability compare to Control A.
Therefore, we confirmed that GluCA® not only proliferates skin cells but also helps cell survival.
Skin irritation test using 3D human skin cell culture after exposure to 20% HF (EpiDermFTTM).
04. In vitro Immunohistochemical Analysis
We treated 20% of the Hydrofluoric on the skin in a three-dimensional artificial skin tissue model, causing skin damage, and then applied the non treatment (PBS) and the other company's product (Control A) and GluCA®. And then seven days later, the restoration of each skin tissue and the production of collagen were measured by immunochemical analysis.
In conclusion, we can see that Gluca® is a very effective product for the recovery of skin tissue and the formation of a collagen layer."
Immunohistochemical analysis of skin tissue recovery and collagen production by GluCA® were measured in 3D human skin model. GluCA® is very effective for the recovery of damaged skin tissue and the formation of collagen layer.
the staining of epidermal & dermal layers of human skin by H & E staining method
Skin tissue damage severe damage
Skin tissue damage
Skin tissue damage low damage
the staining of collagen layer of human skin by Masson-Trichrome staining method
Collagen production Almost none
Non treatement (PBS)Collagen production Low
Third party product (Control A)Collagen production High
GluCA®Comparing the resilience of 20% hydrofluoric acid damaged mouse skin (top: 1 day, below: after 7 days)
05. In vivo Skin Model Effectiveness Evaluation
① Effectiveness Evaluation of Mouth Damage Recovery by GluCA®
After inducing acidic damage to the mouse skin by 20% hydrofluoric acid (HF),
we evaluated degree of skin damage recovery among non treatment group (PBS), another company's product (Control A) and GluCA®.
On day 7, the skin damaged by the GluCA® has been recovered rapidly compared to the PBS (Unprocessed)
and other products (Control A). In the case of non treatment group, the scars remained on the mouse's skin.
Comparing the resilience of 20% hydrofluoric acid damaged mouse skin (top: 1 day, below: after 7 days)
② Immunohistochemical Analysis of Damage Mouse Skin Recovery by GluCA®
Immunohistochemical analysis of 20% hydrofluoric acid(HF) damaged mouse skin showed that mouse skin tissue
with GluCA® normally produced a lot of collagen and the skin tissues were identical to normal skin.
On the other hand, the untreated group (PBS) and another company's product (Control A) produced less collagen and were uneven in skin tissue, with severe inflammation and damage to skin.
H & E staining: epidermis & dermis layer staining of skin tissue
inflammation and damage high
inflammation and damage low
inflammation and damage very little
Masson-Trichrome staining : collagen layer staining of skin tissue
Collagen production Almost none
Non treatement (PBS)Collagen production Low
Third party product (Control A)Collagen production high
GluCA®Immunohistochemical analysis about 20% Hydrofluoric acid (HF) damaged mouse skin Gluca® and controls after 7 days